viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012
Who owns facebook?

jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012
All Facebook Pages Will Automatically Change to Timeline On March 30th! What You Need To Do Today.
We shared the exciting updates from Facebook regarding the new Timeline capabilities for Fan Pages a few weeks back. It was a voluntary option back then. But, as of tomorrow, all fan Pages will become Timeline.
Publish your new fan Page Timeline by tomorrow, or Facebook will automatically create a default for you.
So now is the time! Go to your Page on Facebook (log in as yourself) and hit Publish Now.
Here’s an example, showing the transition from our old Webtrends Page to our new Timeline:
What You Need To Do
Below is a list of the Timeline features you should incorporate that will help you pump up your Page, and ultimately help boost your fan engagement:
1. | Upload a Cover Photo |
The cover photo is a prominent, eye-candy picture that displays on top of your Timeline Page. It can be up to 851px by 315px. Be mindful of Facebook’s policies about your cover photo.Cover photos cannot include:
- Price or purchase information, such as “40% off” or “Download it at our website”.
- Contact information such as a website address, email, mailing address, or information that should go in your Page’s “About” section.
- References to Facebook features or actions, such as “Like” or “Share” or an arrow pointing from the cover photo to any of these features.
- Calls to action, such as “Get it now” or “Tell your friends”.
- Covers must not be false, deceptive or misleading, and must not infringe on third parties’ intellectual property
2. | ‘Pin’ or ‘Highlight’ your most important or engaging posts, each week
4. | Update your App thumbnails |
With Timeline, your App thumbnail is no longer 75×75 pixels but displays as a 111x74px image. You can adjust these images by clicking to ‘Manage’ from the Admin Panel, choose ‘Edit Page’ in the drop-down menu. Under the ‘Apps’ section, click ‘Edit Settings’ for the specific app image you’d like to adjust and it will allow you to change the image, and the name of that App.
5. | Take advantage of the larger App width |
The width of the new tabs are 810px by default, and Apps can either be set to 520px or 810px wide on a Page tab now. To take advantage of this full width, publish your App in the WebTrends Social platform using the Advanced Publish flow. Then, make sure to update your App Settings on Facebook by selecting the ‘Wide’ (810px) option in the Developer App (https://developers. facebook.com/apps) under ‘Edit App’. If you have published your Apps with the Easy Publish flow, they will still be displayed with the narrow width of 520px (centered in the Page tab). We will soon update this to 810px wide and notify you prior to the change.
We encourage you to start updating your apps to the full 810px width now!
6. | Manage your Page through the Admin Panel |
Use the Admin Panel to view Page Insights and keep track of new activity on your fan Page. Facebook users (whether they are your Page fans or not) can now contact you privately using direct messages. Notifications about new messages will appear right in your Admin Panel. Make sure to respond promptly to your users and keep your community management going!
miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012
How do Children Use Tablets?
lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012
domingo, 25 de marzo de 2012
sábado, 24 de marzo de 2012
What Happens if You Press L?
Do you remember when people would talk about ways to do things on your computer without using the mouse? Well, even though times are changing, some things still remain the same. You may not have known that Facebook now has a handful of keyboard shortcuts available to make it easier to navigate around the social networking site.
One of the best shortcuts is pressing the L key to Like and Unlike photos. (Note: you do have to be in the lightbox mode in order to use this shortcut, as shown below)
The new Facebook “L” shortcut has already given marketers a way to help integrate their offline and social media efforts, as Lululemon demonstrated in the use of the image below in a recent ad campaign:
Along with the L key, there are other useful shortcuts that can be used. If you are using Chrome, try this shortcut: while in your Facebook account, quickly add new friends by hitting Alt + 3 (on your PC, with Chrome.)
Use Alt + # on a PC
(use Control + Option + # on an Apple)
Here are some other shortcuts to help speed up your Facebook experience while in your account:
- Press Alt + 1 to go Home (your NewsFeed)
- Alt+ 2 to get to Timeline/Profile
- Alt + 3 to add personal contacts as Friends
- Alt + 5 opens Notifications dropdown
- Alt + 6 opens General Account Settings
- Alt + 7 opens Privacy Settings
- Alt+ 8 takes you to Facebook’s own Page where you can keep up with company news and product announcements
- Alt + 9 opens the Legal Terms page
- Alt + 0 opens Help Center
- Alt + m opens a New Message box
- Alt + ? puts your cursor in the Search Bar at the top of page
These shortcuts above are a bit tricky because the way you use them depends on what type of computer you use, as well as your browser of choice. The examples above are specifically for Chrome users. We know that not everyone is in love with using the Chrome browser, so here is a list of ways to use the shortcuts within all browsers.
Chrome = Alt + the #
Firefox = Shift + Alt + the #
Firefox = Control + the #
Chrome = Control + Option + the #
Safari = Control + Option + the #
We’re dying to know…how many of these shortcuts have you used?
Source: http://blogs.webtrends.com/2012/03/what-happens-if-you-press-l/
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